Our Mission

To provide customers with the support and services they need to live happy, healthy and successful lives.

Our Promises

  • We will create a customer focussed culture
  • We will listen to our customers and offer genuine choice, tailored to their individual needs. Our customers will be at the heart of everything we do. We will put people first
  • We will provide high quality services
  • We will provide person centred innovate services that improve the lives of the people we serve
  • We will embrace diversity and champion inclusion
  • We are committed to valuing difference and diversity in our workforce and in the customers and families we work with, so that their identities are promoted, and their individual needs can be met
  • We will operate our services in an open and transparent way
  • We will inspire confidence and trust by operating an open, accountable and transparent culture across all levels of the company
  • We will value and invest in our staff to deliver innovative and quality services. We know that our employees are our most important asset and they make our ambitions a reality. We will recruit and retain the best people, value their experience and expertise, and support their professional development and personal growth
  • We will work with our customers to deliver the most effective solutions for them. We are growing our business to become a leading provider of adult and children’s services by understanding and working alongside our customers, and always going the extra mile to deliver what the need to lead fulfilling lives

Any Questions? We'd love to hear from you!