Sunderland Recovery College offers a range of free recovery focussed educational courses for people with lived mental health experience, their friends and family. All of our courses are co-produced and co-facilitated by people who have lived experience of Mental Health.
Our courses aim to improve the understanding and experiences of day to day living and help contribute to the wellbeing and recovery of all our students. Courses can be directly related to mental health or can have more of a social/skills-based focus.
We aim to enable students to maximise their wellbeing through developing courses with a mental health recovery focus. These courses are produced using the expertise of mental health professionals. We aim to help students to make informed choices regarding their recovery and to become experts in their own self-management. Some courses have a more social and skills-based focus, enabling recovery through the benefits of social interaction, achieving new skills and goals and focusing on lifestyle and cultural influencers of recovery.
All our courses are co-produced and delivered by someone who has lived experience of mental health in either a personal or caring capacity. In addition, our courses are produced by professionals within that field, ensuring that all the courses are providing accurate and current information.
We aim to support students to reach their goals, increase their sense of achievement and fully recognise their potential. We encourage students to fully participate in the ‘journey’ that the college offers. We encourage students to become volunteers, assist in the provision or development of their own courses and/or help them with steps towards employment or wider education opportunities within the community.
We believe in shared decision making and shared development as key principles of operating the College and widening it’s potential in the Sunderland community. An operational group meets on a monthly basis with our partner organisations to discuss how we can move the College forward. Student and mental health service user representation attend these meetings to ensure the student’s voice is heard.
For further information and to view current courses please visit: Recovery College
Visit our contact page to speak to the correct team or submit your enquiry online.