Please contact NHS 111 if you feel worse/ no better at any point during and by the end of your isolation. If you are acutely unwell dial 999 (inform them that you are isolating).
How to work safely in domiciliary care: HERE
Information about PPE in the workplace: HERE
Guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection: HERE
Staying alert and safe (social distancing): HERE
PPE illustrated guide for community and social care settings: HERE
Government’s general advice on work absences: You can generate your own sick note, specific to COVID-19, from the NHS website
We have revised our standard Infection Control Policy to cope with and control the spread of COVID-19. We advise all our staff to familiarise themselves with the updated policy that is available below.
Sunderland Care and Support have implemented a revised Infection Control policy in relation to COVID-19.
We continue to care for people who are self-isolating, have symptoms of, or who are diagnosed with COVID-19 at home and in our services.
In order to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 infection, it is essential that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used correctly.
Colleagues should ensure they are familiar with the current policy and procedures for donning and doffing (fitting and removal of) PPE. A video for training purposes can be viewed online.
Some employees will be working from home for the first time, which means figuring out how to stay on task in a new environment that may not lend itself to productivity. It’s realistic to assume that shifting to the ‘home office’ will become the new normal for many of us for a while, given that the coronavirus has officially reached ‘pandemic’ status.
But there are ways to deliver results and avoid going stir-crazy, from setting up a good workspace to keeping in touch with colleagues.
If you don’t have a home office, do as much as you can to create an ad hoc, bespoke space exclusively for a dedicated workspace where you can concentrate, it becomes easier to unlock the benefits of remote work.
Here is a quick guide to Health & Safety Display Screen Equipment when working from home.